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Growth hacking Singapore Kindness Movement content website

Singapore Kindness Movement

Target Market
The Goal
On the third year of the digital publication, the client sought to take the media platform to the next level of sustainable growth, specifically improving on search engine optimisation of the website, The Pride.
The Approach
Historical data provided a good insight to what worked and what didn’t. Working closely with the editorial team, we identified windows of opportunities to hack the growth of the viewership with efforts including revamping the content website user experience (UX) and user interface (UI), and adopting data-driven strategies with both paid and organic tactics. Extensive research, website optimisation, growth hacking, and search engine optimisation efforts were applied, alongside with a robust content strategy executed by the editorial team.
The Result
To date, The Pride has achieved over 2.7 million page views and reached over 1.9 million readers.

Extensive research, website optimisation, growth hacking, and search engine optimisation efforts were applied, alongside with a robust content strategy executed by the editorial team